Wrapping Up Our First JFLL Season


This spring, SJMS Lower Elementary students taking part in Junior FIRST LEGO League discovered incredible things about the moon and what we will need to live there! (Think air, water, energy, food, health care, entertainment!)

Throughout the season, we took the time to explore these necessities, discussing why each is important, how we will obtain it, how we will store it, and how we will use it.

For example, just about everything needs energy! On Earth, we have a power grid that transports energy from power plants, windmills, nuclear generators, solar panels, and dams to wherever we need it. On the moon, this power grid doesn’t exist. The students explored this basic need, building LEGO models to show how they will create, store, and use energy on the moon. They also designed robots to help them with these tasks.

By the end of the season, students had explored each of these challenges and many more, using what they had learned and built to construct their moon bases. They also created poster boards to share what they learned. Before the end of the school year, they had the chance to share their projects with classmates, parents, and teachers.

They were all incredibly hopeful to share what they had learned with the other students. Their wish was granted, with after care students from Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School stopping by to check out what they had been working on.
